do the custom grips have better fit & finish?

Nov 14, 2013
basically i want to know if the customs recieve extra quality control. Does BM have a seperate team building the customs? Has anyone recieved a custom that had an fit or finish issue? thanks all
I do think the Custom Benchmades or Gold Class have a higher quality control because they are made in much lower quantities. A custom Benchmade is still different then a custom from a maker or some of the higher end production companies like Strider and Microtech. This is my experience but usually their fit and finish gold class match the price. My experience with mainly the 470 Emissary Gold class.
Thats a good question i was wondering the same thing. You'd think so since you pay a bit more than just buying a standard one elsewhere.
Unlike the Gold Class team, the rest are full production built by the same standards. I would think, despite this, that by assembling a knife based on our specs in smaller numbers that more care would be taken - so common flubs like blade play or un-centered would be given some extra QC. If I was going to spend more on one of the customs I would expect more out of the builders.
Is there a specific problem your unhappy with in your production grip?

Just wondering, I own 2 production griptilians and have zero F&F issues, I don't know how a BMC grip could be any better using the same materials...
I see no difference between the custom Grips that I have got from Benchmade and just regular production.
Never had a problem with fit and finish on any Benchmade products, especially the Grip line.
Custom grips have the same fit and finish as the regular production models, gold class grips are (obviously) in another class with a much higher level of fit and finish. With that said, even gold class knives are not immune to fit and finish problems :)