Do we need a historian? It's pruning time.

Khukuri Monster said:
It's not difficult. Try or search google for "Wiki".

It looks like a bit of technical savy is required to implement and maintain a site. It also looks as if a coordinating editor might be a good thing. see

I think this wiki approach an excellent idea.

Berkley said:
I now see your rotating icon, and just logged on to your web page. Maybe vehement cursing works like a form of prayer? :confused:

With all of the upcoming rotten folks out there, I must have been pushed off the bottom of AOLs $#!^ list. I guess I should do something bad to get back on.

AOLs mother wears army boots!

(That should do it. ;) )
Yvsa said:
LMAO! Go into Howard's profile and click on his website, homepage and then see if it works.;)
Neat place to spend some time.:thumbup: :D

LOL NOW you tell me. Never said I was smart on computers. or anything else for that matter.
Unless someone objects in this thread, this afternoon I will notify Spark that it is ok to procede with his planned pruning of the HI forums.