Does anti-gun equate to anti-knife?

I zipped Michael Dell off a letter:
Mr. Michael Dell:

I have been a fan of your company and computers for quite some time, but have recently become aware of an interaction your company had with a customer of yours that disturbs me greatly.

Apparently, the current president of the American Pistolsmith Guild (Jack Weigand of Weigand Combat Handguns Inc.), a well respected gunsmith with over 20 years of professional experience, ordered a new computer for his business from your company. His order was apparently declined because of the industry in that he works. Dell's concern was that the computer he was ordering was feared would be used for illegal activities.

Since firearms are legal and constitutionally protected, and because most firearm owners are law-abiding citizens of the United States, this action is an affront to the freedom upon which our country was founded.

A similar parallel to your company would be if Intel cancelled a chip order to your company because the computers you sell might be sold to terrorists and used for nefarious tasks.

If I am even remotely correct in what I've heard, I think you owe this gentleman an apology.

I would be appalled and indigent if your company cancelled a computer order for our company because we manufacture knives.

Please have your policy reviewed in these matters.


Ronald A. Andersen
Consumer Services Manager
SOG Specialty Knives & Tools, Inc.
I would like more information than this thread provides. Does anyone have any links or material to email me?

Thanks for the list. Wish I would have known that before I got this lovely Dell computer. My roommate just got one too!:mad: My dad also spends a fair amount at Golf Discount. Hopefully he will change in the future (I sent him the list). I wonder what kind of response we would get from people if we tried to implement "car control" making it illegal to drive a car. I imagine that no one would stand for it. Guess what, cars kill people more than guns do. Lets outlaw kitchen knives while we are at it, since they are used far more frequently than other knives to commit attacks. We should also cut off your arms and legs and remove your teeth so you can't use them to kill another human being. No more pens or pencils either I suppose. What is this world coming to?

On a second look at the list I am not as peeved. My father does spend his money at golf discount, but not the anti-2nd ammendment Gold Warehouse.
Dell's side of the story can be found at

It's good to hear both sides, check "facts" (after all, this is the internet) and then decide for yourself and vote with your feet or wallet.

As for the progressive funds listing of Dell, apparently those donations can be set up without a company's knowledge. At least that is being reported on some List Services. So Dell (or Swiss Army Depot) may have no idea that someone has agreed to donate to HCI when they make purchases from those companies.

Hmmm. Michael Dell's response was certainly interesting. He must think we are so unsophisticated that we would buy his attempt to hide behind a federal law that doesn't apply to domestic sales. I guess when you become a billionaire you assume everyone will hang on every word. I'm embarrassed for him and his company.

Now I need to go cancel my American Express gold card so HCI won't get a nickel from me. Looks like the folks at Staples are going to get our company's business again since Office Max is now off limits. Ron, I liked your letter. It was well composed and on the money. Very interesting thread. I've learned a lot from it. Glad I started it. Take care.
I'd like to hear Dell's explanation of the HCI link. If they agreed to support HCI, I'm not buying a Dell and will sell my few shares of their company.
I receive a response to my email to Michael Dell. It was a copy of their press release that is in wide circulation. I felt compelled to send a response.
Mr. Michael Dell:

I received the statement below in response to my email of February 28, 2002. The problem I have with this public statement is that Mr. Weigand is a US domestic customer, thus US export laws DO NOT APPLY!

Also of concern relating to your "name screening" policy is that it is highly unlikely that you will receive an order from the "Islamic Terrorist Organization for the Complete Destruction of Western Civilizations (Especially America) via Nuclear or Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction (or by the use of Commercial Aircraft)." Thus, screening names is irrelevant. A terrorist will be just a bit smarter than this.

Canceling orders as a result of screening company names will only ostracize you from some of the most patriotic of American companies. Many companies with "Combat" as part of their name (or a similar derivative) often are primary US military and law enforcement contractors. Many company owners are US combat veterans who have gone into private business to supply our military with best supplies available on the market.

Your level of "rationale" for order screening does not make sense and sounds much more like bigotry than it does prudency.


Ronald A. Andersen
Consumer Services Manager
SOG Specialty Knives & Tools, Inc.