Don't you just hate waiting for knives to arrive?

Had a very strange experience last week. I usually have my knives delivered at work, so I don't have to wait till I get home to check the mail. I'm sitting in my office and the supply/delivery guy who works in back comes to my door and says "Here's a package for you. What's in it?" He's a friendly guy and was just curious since it seemed more of a personal delivery rather than work related. I wondered what it could be too. I wasn't expecting anything that I could think of. So, I just nod my head and say, "Oh, I remember now." and send him on his way. Of course my curiosity has gotten the best of me and I rip the box open. It's a Kershaw 1420ST from the BladeForums Store. It takes a second for this to register, since I remember cancelling that order over a week ago and getting that cancellation confirmed by Spark. Oh, well, it is a great knife, and I guess I'll keep it. I just wonder if I'll still get a charge on my credit card.

Daniel D.
Yes, hate it. Kind of feels like Christmas when you were a kid. Unfortunately, Christmas has been coming about once a month lately. A plain edge Civilian and a RJ Maritn Combat neck knife this week. "I promise dear, after this one - I mean two, I'm going to cool it for a while". Oops, I hope see doesn'y see my post on steak knives.
I'm waiting for a Randall #1 right now, to say the Postal Lady would be my favorite female to see today would be an understatement!
Karma? Cowinkydink? Good Luck? I make my wish and it is granted. Postal Lady just came and after a one year wait I got my Randall #1 with a black mircarta handle. Its not even 11am (HST) and its already been a GREAT DAY!
Hahahaha, I'm not waiting anymore!!
That Fang came 2 days later than I expected, but its here now, i just got it out of the mailbox. My dad thinks I'm crazy because I hit the door running when the mail comes whenever i'm expecting a knife. Funny how its always late the day I get a knife.. Go figure.

Just because I talk to myself doesn't mean I'm crazy. What's wrong with getting a second opinion?
Hahahaha, I'm not waiting anymore!!
That Fang came 2 days later than I expected, but its here now, i just got it out of the mailbox. My dad thinks I'm crazy because I hit the door running when the mail comes whenever i'm expecting a knife. Funny how its always late the day I get a knife.. Go figure.

Just because I talk to myself doesn't mean I'm crazy. What's wrong with getting a second opinion?
Hahahaha, I'm not waiting anymore!!
That Fang came 2 days later than I expected, but its here now, i just got it out of the mailbox. My dad thinks I'm crazy because I hit the door running when the mail comes whenever i'm expecting a knife. Funny how its always late the day I get a knife.. Go figure.

Just because I talk to myself doesn't mean I'm crazy. What's wrong with getting a second opinion?