Draw hem remedies?

Jul 26, 2014
Hello Folks,

These things are no good lol.

I wear a Patagonia nano puff (it’s about all that’s needed in Cali) and this feature has caught under my Inkosi clip numerous times and will pull the knife right out of my pocket .
I have this feature on just about every jacket I own.
Has anyone else had this problem?

Outside of tossing all my jackets what’s the remedy here? Would a hawk clip fix this issue?
I would think yes because it doesn’t have the flared end.
Or, get a pocket sheath and carry it in the sheath
I’ve had the same thing happen to me. I’ve tried to remember to just pocket carry the knife.

thanks for the comparison analysis LW! May have to reconsider options.
I've learned to only clip carry when I absolutely have to, like when wearing pockesless shorts in summertime(or at home). I've had several incidents of the clip hanging up on stuff, lifting the knife out of my pocket. Also the clip have scraped against cars:)eek:)...

Rest off the time I use a leather slip, with the clip still installed.

That said, I think the CRK clip is one of the best out there, so nothing against the clip itself.