Dying Micarta Scales - Questions


Basic Member
Apr 16, 2015
For tan micarta I was looking to dye them maroon on a HR2. I'll bring the water and dye to 140 degrees and dunk handle into pot until micarta is submerged. Check handle color every 30 seconds until it looks good. A few questions though:

1. The blade is coated (hammered silver). Will the boiling dye effect the steel or coating in a negative manner? Will I see a subtle line on the steel where it was submerged too?
2. Will 140 degrees for a minute of two, loosen any adhesives under the handles and in the pin canals?
3. Should I use Rit Classic or Rit DyeMore? The canvas micarta is mix of natural and synthetic.

Thanks for any info!
The dye should not do anything to the steel. There is no glue under the scales and 140 will cause no problem.
However if you want to save your self a lot of hassle, I would suggest you pickup a bottle of FIEBING'S LEATHER DYE. Wipe it on with the included wool applicator, wipe away any extra and let it sit for a hour or so, add more if you want a deeper color. let it dry for a couple of hours and then buff it with a old T-shirt to remove any excess.