Dylan got his own forum!

Yea just went over there and welcomed him. That is probably the best place for his knives as they seem a lil more tatical, those guys will eat them up. I can see him selling every one he makes quickly. I still want a hatchula went I can come up with the scratch. It will stay in the kitchen tho.
From Dylan: Andy is already logged in and I don't feel like logging him out and logging myself in. JerzeeDevil isn't going to be the only place I have a forum. You guys know that my first love is always my homies on BladeForums. I'll be hooking everything up for my forum here this week. Get ready!
Sweet! I wondered where the love was over here!? ;)
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Been there, registered, ready to go. Congrats man, good going . .:thumbup:
Be safe.
Just checked it out and sent an email to get on the list. Awesome blades Dylan. What is the name of the one at the bottom of your posts? Very khukuri-esk. :D
Oh, don't worry, I'm both places - it's just that I first found out about Dylan's gear over here! :)