Easter Eggs

Feb 3, 2001
When you live in the land of Busse, the easter bunny doesn't leave chocolate eggs.

Now, what am I going to do with all of these eggs? Happy Easter. Andrew
Are there any vacancies in the land of Busse? That's one tough bunny, laying all those razor-sharp INFI blades!

The one eater egg I want to see is the new 6" drop point!!!! Let the contest begin!!!!
Everytime you either use a Busse you already have or you buy a new one, you get a round trip tcket to the land of Busse. With all the tickets I have, maybe I should see who wants one?
Yours in nuclear tough candy, Andrew
I'll bet that rabbit is rrrreeeeeaaaaallllll still while producing those blades....

Bet he prays he'll never sneeze....

The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook.
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Hey 'Drew, I suppose the kids have to run around the house in steel toed slippers to find their Easter baskets at this house?
Oh, I get it, Jerry has a new line of steel toe Busse Boots coming out?

INFI toe caps with a built in bottle opener?
The top 5 are BM-E, then the 4 below them are SH-E, below those are 4 NO-E of which one has a tan handle, and at the bottom are 5 BA-E of which one has a tan hadle.
Yours in nuclear egg distribution, Andrew
I thought that's what they were-just making sure. I wish that darn rabbit would hurry up and bring my badger. Everytime I see you guys post a picture of yours, It makes me want mine!!!!! Only one week left!