Easy way to email your representatives! Help Nepal!

Mar 26, 2002
Thanks to Beoram for this link


All you need to do is click and enter your zip code. You will be able to email ALL your representatives!!! Keep sending strong email about how you voted for 'em and now you want their support for this rotten situation in Nepal!


Above is a good format of a letter you can send -- thanks Beoram

C'mon folks let's make some MORE noise! Also copy the above links and send them to friends.
Yep, as I said in other thread I emailed both senators, 1 rep. and the president!!:)

Let's do it guys, lurkers too:)
This habitual lurker contacted them too. This issue is too important not to take a few minutes to help.
I emailed two Senators and 1 Rep. as well. Let's hope they get some help over there quickly.
Call them...the local office or the Washington office. Phone numbers should be in the local telephone directory (the Government pages) or on their web sites.
Too many pressure groups have discovered e-mail.
Writing a letter (on paper) was supposed to be effective but is now iffy.
Originally posted by Irregular
Call them...the local office or the Washington office. Phone numbers should be in the local telephone directory (the Government pages) or on their web sites.
Too many pressure groups have discovered e-mail.
Writing a letter (on paper) was supposed to be effective but is now iffy.

congress.org also gives the option of letters (on papers), it costs $3 or $5. I heard that written letters were the best way - but phone is best you say? congress.org should be an easy way to find out phone numbers & postal addresses too.


ps it won't hurt anything if someone emails, writes & phones ;)
If it's by the people for the people they should listen. My messages were sent long ago. I'll resend. I start at the White House and work my way down.
Well, I got my first response back. ... Sen. Daschle beat the others hands down. I guess Thune and Johnson are too busy campaigning right now. ...

Here is what "Tom" had to say:

Dear Alan:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the recent developments in Nepal
and to voice your concerns about our potential military involvement in
that region. I appreciate hearing from you.

As you know, over 2,900 people have senselessly perished in the militant
conflict between government forces and Maoist rebels since the start of
the insurgency movement in 1996. Among that number are hundreds of
innocent civilians, killed by the rebels. During a recent visit to
Nepal, U.S. Secretary
of State Colin Powell offered military, material and training assistance
to subdue the rebel forces and reinstate order within the country.

In the coming weeks, the Senate will be debating this assistance as we
consider the President's supplemental appropriations request, a part of
which will fund training efforts in Nepal. I will discuss your concerns
with my colleagues, and I am confident that the Senate will insist that
Congress maintain a vigorous oversight of this effort in order to ensure
maximum protection of human rights.

Again, Alan, thank you for contacting me about this issue. I hope that
you will stay in touch.


At least they are working the issue. .... there is still hope!

(I'll tackle multiple matters in this message.)

www.congress.org looks like a good and convenient site.

Yes, covering all the bases, phone/e-mail/paper, won't hurt, especially if you're polite, concise, and explain exactly what you are calling about. The staffers can't exactly hang up on you now, can they?

For general information, the official sites are www.senate.gov and www.house.gov

If your Senator/Representative is on an interested committee or subcomittee (foreign relations?) it's supposedly even more effective to contact him or her.

Some months ago I read a newspaper article saying that the Congressional offices get so much e-mail about some issues, that they don't pay as much attention to e-mail as they used to. Bill, I suspect "enough" is defined differently for e-mail, letters, and phone calls. But of course e-mail won't hurt.
Thanks for the link Bill
Just wrote Bush, Boxer, Feinstein, and Lee. Never wrote to the president, senators and rep... Time to find out if anyone gives a damm.