Ed Fowler knives

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I find Ed Fowler's knives visually unappealing. That said, they feel good in the hand. So do alot of things.
I find Ed Fowler's knives visually unappealing. That said, they feel good in the hand. So do alot of things.

I use to think the same, but with age my taste have change and would love to have one, as for other things feeling good in the hand i agree and usually like to keep my hand on things that feel goo in the hand:)
Thanks Jose,
I appreciate it. Good to see your photos! We share the same appreciation for Ed's knives, and i have always valued your friendship. (We both need a photo tutorial.) :)

I would like to encourage others who are reading this, if you have a knife by Ed Fowler or made in the "Fowler style", by Bill Burke, Butch Deveraux, Eldon Perkins, Henry Torres.. (a growing list of makers) please post photos or add comments or your thoughts about the idea behind these knives.

And for the art crowd Maybe we can ugly it up around here. ;)
(No one needs to wear the "pearls" every day of the week).
Mines very small. I wanted one but didn't wanna shell out the big bucks for a normal sized hunter. If I ever were to use it, its a good size for a little personal knife.

I think they are pretty but wouldn't normally want sheep horn. I think Ed did well with this particular design (the pronghorn) and makes for an appealing package.

Jon, those little ones are actually the best everyday users in an urban enviroment. I use mine for just about everything.

Love that big camp knife, Bill. Looks like top notch spacer horn.
Thanks Bill,
Beautiful, superb work!

If I may ask, would you comment on the process of aging the horn and durability compared with other natural materials?
these babies have to be studied in decent white light to be appreciated. as to performance cutting cardboard with a fowler or burke you need to have macho energy & days before the edge starts dragging. the blades have multiple hardness zones , some with a wootz at back going thru several zones before the shiny convex edge. ca'nt really explain one except to say i've never seen a blade quite like theirs . truly one to last decades of use.
Quite a line-up Bill. The crown stag knife is one of my favorites too. The handle has a sort of Scagel look to it.

Weren't there two of these crown stag Bowie's, made very similar? ..I owned one (for a time) bought through Blade Gallery. But I thought the award went to the first of the two.
Fowler makes some good looking Knives, I've always liked his style. :D

Thanks for the pics. :thumbup:
David that is the first one And that is a blade gallery picture. I have both of them in my possession at the moment. I had the engraving added later.
......the blades have multiple hardness zones , some with a wootz at back going thru several zones before the shiny convex edge. can't really explain one except to say i've never seen a blade quite like theirs . truly one to last decades of use.

It isn't wootz....as far as anyone has been able to expain, it is alloy banding.

I have a Howard Clark wakizashi in 1086m with similar properties.

Best Regards,

STeven Garsson
You should post a photo of the two Bowies together. You'll have all of us salivating like a dog!

Karl, :) where are your photos?
We want to see em'!

Even the ugly ones! ;)
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