Edge quenching

I'm from ATL and live in the northern suburbs now. I can tell you Ponce is not a preferred destination for our UK friends, or anyone else really. Come to bladeshow enjoy the after show extracurriculars and stay mostly the hell away from ITP (inside the perimeter) and you'll have a great time. There is a ton of fun to be had in ATL but wandering aimlessly isn't to be encouraged. Road Atlanta is amazing, there is sure to be something running that weekend. Also a motor sports park nearby in Dahlonega, and if ur out that way Helen, GA is a fun place to get a hotel and drink too much German beer. And the next day flog your rental car on the dragons tail.
This place has amazing food.
Back to your original statement, how freaking cool would it be to be the only abs journeyman/master in the entire damn country? There are so many people everywhere now it beggars belief that's it's even possible. If you have the money to make the trips back and forth it's worth it just to be the only guy on the list imo.