EKA swede 38

Apr 5, 2006
I just bought a couple of knives in the exchange and the guy was nice enough to throw in this EKA swede 38. I looked it up and it sells for $20 or less. I have to say that I am impressed with the durable feel of this knife. The first thing you notice is the VERY firm snap when you open and close it. Their website shows the same blade steel on the high end knives as well. It is SANDVICK 12C27 stainless. They also offer a black carbon steel blade. I have been on the look out for a large sodbuster and an opinel. I believe this knife would be stiff competition for these two. Did I mention it is shaving sharp and does not appear to be carried or used. I am not crazy about the white plastic handles, they make it look like something a star wars storm trooper would carry. Length is 4" closed.
Very nice looking knife, It looks like it will hold its own against the sod busters! Joe
EKA makes a good knife. I have one in the sandivick and it takes an excellent edge and holds it. My friend has one with the carbon steel and it also is an excellent performer. They have some nice traditional/swedish designs that use wood scales.
Back in the late '70's when I was in my experimentation mode of knife accumulation, I had one of those. It was called the little Swede, or something like that because the bigger knife with a locking blade was called a Big Swede. I eventually traded it off in some deal, but I do remember that it cut really well, and held a very good edge. A very nice but light weight rugged knife that you can take apart for cleaning. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

Maybe you could consider it a Swedish soddie?
I've had a few of those over the years since the 70's and they were always pretty good knives.

The rust resistance was so good that I used one as a backup knife for years while scuba diving (ocean) and never had an issue with rust.
I have 3 of those. The first one I got as a cristmas gift when I was around 10 years old back in the mid 70-ties. the secound I got as a heritage after my brother died in 1997. Bouth of those are HEVILY used but in great condition.He got his same time as I did.The third one Was bought secound hand but unused for aprox 2 $ some months ago to be used by my son. They are yellow, orange and White. I also got a bubinga one but that one is used by my grandfather (who is 94 year old to cut his fingernails). If nature fallow its laws it will come back. I,m not in a hurry for this to happen.
The orange one that belonged to my brother is together with his martiini sheatknife lappinleuku 230 some of my most walued knifes. Memories adds to knifevalue. I use them though because I realise that they just have that value to me, mabye to my sons if I use them often enough.

Oh yes, they are all black Carbon. My grandfather also have a Eka 311 plastic and carbon. and I have a Eka Swede 60 in bubinga and Carbon. My Eka favorite is the small 3.5 inch, all metall EKA 100 that is easy to put own scales on.

I've almost picked one of those up, I really like the looks of them I guess I'll have to pick on up sometime.
I've got an EKA Executive Sportsman lockback and an EKA Compact single blade slipjoint. Both are great little knives. Ragweed Forge has a great selection of EKA Knives. The EKA Compact is $10 there!