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Emerson Gallery and Glossary

Ok, I saw earlier in this thread that there were 2 "Dated" CQC5's with serration's.

What is the story on a CQC5 with serration's, Specwar Logo and no date?

Hi John,

The other one is owend by a suspect on the "left" coast. That accounts for the two "Dated" CQC5's with the serrated edge.

Now to get some info on the one with no date. Maybe it was a one of a kind?
Is it possible for you to fix the broken links sometime? I'd very much like to look at the rest of the pictures. If not, I understand if you are to busy.
Chris, sorry about the Gallery being down. I don't even have a place online that I can refer you to since Photopoint went belly up a couple of weeks ago.

Eric (aka "The USN") will be hosting the Gallery soon and all of the pictures (and more) will be up again.

Originally posted by Chris Connolly
Is it possible for you to fix the broken links sometime? I'd very much like to look at the rest of the pictures. If not, I understand if you are to busy.

Chris: Check out "My Photo Albums" in my sig. You should find MOST of the Emerson Gallery there. :D

I would love to see that vast gallery of stuff that isn't available on teh front page. That looks like some great galleries you had put together. Was it really lost in teh photopoint/whatever fold? THat would be a terrible shame. Would EKI host all of that on their server? It seems kinda slow as is. IMO they should drop the background graphic and get tons more speed but...

Eric and I were just talking about the Gallery just the other night. Believe it or not, we're really working on it. We have a host site for the Gallery, but we're working out the minor details (like uploading 300+ images and organizing the whole shootin match).

In addition to the Gallery, the Glossery and the never ending Count (Sniper308's baby), I am also working on a long over due FAQ file.

Hey guys, all I get is a blank screen when I click on the pics. Any idea why? I used to be able to see them. Thanks, Leo G.
The links are dead. Victim of photo hosting sites.

A move is underway to get the 450+ pictures in the gallery into a new home. We've left the Gallery up until then as it is still full of great info.

Mike, I appreciate the offer, it's well recieved. However we're close to a dedicated server and that will take care of the problems.

Take care

The picture Gallery will not be returning here. We have chosen, at least for now, to retain the Glossary and count to give folks an idea of what's out there.