Emersons went white water rafting

Nov 2, 2000
I went white water rafting this weekend on the Methow River near Winthrop, WA. It's a class 3-4 river, although the water levels are really low this year due to a low snowfall this last winter.

Anyway, the knives that accompanied me down river for 14 miles were:

Emerson CQC7B-Wave BTS in shorts pocket under the wet suit.

Spyderco Native in an On/Scene Tactical neck sheath(thanks Eric).

Emerson SARK BTS clipped to the life vest.

Didn't need to use them on the trip down the river. When I got back to camp, I did open some bags of ice with the SARK. Works great.
I could even do the left handed reverse ice-pick grip draw with the SARK no problemo. A P-SARK should be a good defensive carry knife.

Beretta 92 FS nut and Aspiring Usual Suspect
"And for this cause God shall send them stong delusion,that they should believe a lie;" 2 Thessalonians 2:11
"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove[expose] them." Ephesians 5:11