"ENCORE" Thomas Turner & Co

Jack, thank you for all of the display photos. They're magnificent, you could spend hours looking at them all.

Charlie that really is a wonderful pruning knife.

S-K I really like that jack knife, it is very appealing. Would you call it a farmers jack ?
And a very nice 1915 M&D knife.

Jack that razor is magnificent. I'd love to see some more detailed photos.

mtangent I got that one out of Queensland. The blade is very much like a scalpel. And I've never seen another like it either.
I just stumbled across this thread when searching on-line for information on the TT Duralumin War knife. I have been a contributor to the Bernard Levine Forum for some years but stupidly never ventured further into the Bladed Forums index. I was recently successful on eBay in purchasing one but have yet to see it as it was shipped to my office in Australia where my collection is, but I'm not: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/RARE-ENC...vGWx2GABPJo5s1l6JVZb8%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc
It will be an early Xmas present when I return home in October

Nice find Lawrie (here's a pic) :thumbup: Welcome to the Traditional sub-forum, you may find this thread of interest: http://www.bladeforums.com/forums/showthread.php/1094371-Military-Clasp-Knives
Great thread, wish I had a Thomas Turner to contribute but thanks for sharing yours 1500international, Jack, S-K, Charlie, Stephen, Berkley and Lawrie.
They seem to have been one of the revered cutlery companies. Lovely knives fellas.

One of the kind I seek.
Thomas Turner Cutler to His Majesty FJ: Probably early 1900,Edwardian reign ,has the William and Earnest Mills look (who I think made the Clements farmer whittlers,gentleman's gardeners:)).

It is 4" and has a long thin rounded bar shield,like the Clements knives.




Thanks for sharing the terrific pictures of those nice old blades. Really enjoyed seeing them.
Just posted a load of old adverts for Sheffield cutlery firms in the appropriate sticky :thumbup:

Loving all these wonderful knives. What a great manufacturer T. Turner & Co were. Never realised how prestigious when I picked up my little ivory scaled one at a boot sale for a pound. From some time between the wars I think....

Untitled by Mark Saunders, on Flickr
Hi Guys, thanks for the responses, and particularly to Jack Black for providing a great picture of my knife (don't know how you did that, but much appreciated) and also for the link to the Military Clasp Knives discussion. I do in fact have quite a number of TT knives in my vast accumulation (not yet cataloged so I don't dare call it a collection) many of which are also relevant to the Military Clasp Knives discussion. I will be back "home" (Victoria Australia) in October - December 2015 and this thread will spur me on to documenting and photographing - starting with Thomas Turner.
Hi Lawrie, above the reply box, there's a number of options. Third from the end, if you put your cursor over the icon there, it should say 'Insert Image'. A box then appears on the screen, if you've already got your photo hosted, click the 'Url' button on the right. Then paste the code from your image host, and untick the box, and you should be good to go :thumbup:

Look forward to seeing your photos :thumbup:

Man there is some beautiful knives in here - Lyle, that Stunner by Thomas Turner HAS to be my Favourite out of all your beautiful knives- that is just an amazing knife!!
This is not to say the other Thomas Turners in here arent any thing special, because man they are just fantastic.
What an amazing display of super knives on this thread. My thanks to all contributors. I have posted this picture of a small penknife before but may as well add it here.
