ENDED - New Years Card Wallet giveaway


Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Feb 27, 1999
Wanted to do a giveaway before the end of the year and I barely made it!

Three slot wallet, I make these so the middle slot hold folded cash neatly and the two outside pockets can fit around 6 cards, or as many as you can stuff in there.

Materials - 3:5oz Walpier Buttero in a hatchgrain. Color is yellow but comes off as a very light tan imo. .6mm ritz tiger thread using a higher stitch count per inch.

Some info on the leather:

Buttero Vegetable Tanned Leather comes from Conceria Walpier Tannery in Tuscany, Italy. They are well known for their traditional methods of vegetable tanning. Buttero is quite unique in its characteristics. It is more firm than a vacchetta leather, this stiffness give a nice rigidity to projects. It is full vegetable tanned and will patina nicely over time.


- just post “I’m in!” Your post is your number and I’ll use a random number generator on Monday night (1/2/23, 9pm est) to pick a winner.

- please keep it to one post, any conversation will make this harder. Pm me with any questions.

- shipping is on me so please US addresses only

- please don’t turnaround and sell it, if you don’t like it give it away to someone

- please confirm receipt of wallet. Just to make sure you got it.


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I'm in. Thanks for the opportunity bud. Happy New Year

Btw.. that's some nice leatherwork. My wallet game needs work 😅