Endura sharpening question for SAL and group

Sal, I have the Shrpmaker 204. Great product!

I recently picked up a used Endura. Approx. 1 millimeter of the tip is broken off. How can I use the Sharpmaker to fashion a new tip? Thanks!
Oct 5, 1998
I have the plain 'ol 203 Sharpmaker, but I put a tip back on a friends knife by using the fishing hook groves in the stones. Once it was profiled I went back and sharpened it on the flats. Hope this helps.

Okay, Blades, now you've got me interested. (especially after dropping my Delica and knocking the tip off). Could you explain in more detail how you used the grooves to re-profile the tip? Maybe I'm just dense, but I can't figure it out.

Put the edge of the knife perpendicular against the stone and reprofile the shape to get the tip sharp again (it sounds like Blues used the groove to keep things under control). Then sharpen that part of the blade until the bevels are right. I would then sharpen the whole knife again, so that the edge is even down the length of the blade.

That's how I would do it anyway.


I used the grove to hold it steady and keep it under control(like Paul said). Then I just kept pushing/pulling away till I had a new tip done. It took some work and it's not a perfect tip, but it was alot better when I finished. It probably depends on how much tip is knocked off to do it this way. Hope this helps.

Sorry about that Blades!

I didn't look at the thread while I was making my post. Thought I remembered correctly and obviously I didn't.
Got you mixed up with another long time member whose name starts with Bl- and ends in -es.

Ohhh well...at least I was mostly right about the technical stuff.

Oh crap..
I meant

I broke the tip off my delica (about 3mm's worth) about a year ago when I stabbed a piece of wood and hit a nail...

I just put the tip back on using my Sharpmaker. Takes some time and work but was worth it. It's not "Perfect" but pretty darn close.

Thanks for the info.