Favorite Custom Knife

I think the Boye custom hunter cuts so well because it has a relatively narrow blade, less than 1.0" at the ricasso, and flat ground bevels that go almost clear to the edge. There is almost no visible secondary edge bevel. Cuts like stink. I think any knife made of a premium steel would cut just as well with the same blade geometry. It does take an aggressive edge too, lots of big carbides. Boye also claims that the dendritic crystal structure in the steel helps hold the carbides in the iron matrix, thus better edge holding because the edge doesn't "crumble".

I think of BDS as being roughly equivalent to CPM440V in performance. Great edge holding, stain resistant, not super tough.

The Basics cut very well too, but have much wider blades than the custom hunter. I think the extra friction slows them down somewhat when cutting through something. They are full tang also, so they are very strong. I'm going to get one and put a nice cord wrap on it some day.

Geat diversity! Now, how many would have said Mad Dog if we were on that other forum.....
Sebenza(production/custom) #1
Most anything by Allen Elishewitz

*Norse Knife Nut*

"Military" Fans Unite!!

"The only limitation is lack of imagination."

Hartsfield yoroi toshi. I primarily use knives for defense, and this is my slash-block-penetrate favorite.
Thanks for the details Steve, the performance makes sense based on that description. I have a couple of cheap blade with full flat grinds (right to the edge) and they cut exceptionally well and are easy to sharpen. Downside is that they wear out really fast but then again since they are like $10 who cares.


The A.G. Russell Deer Hunter (AUS-8A) cuts almost as well, but not nearly as long.


You should give us knifeforum pukes a little more credit than that. We know a great knife when we see one, and Mad Dogs are great knives. Want me to list the reasons?

My other two favorite custom knives are my 8.5" Black Cloud Fighting Bowie IV, and my Mad Dog Lab Rat. I've got a Mad Dog 3/16 Arizona Hunter and a 3/16 Wild Thing on order either of which might go straight to the top of my list. Who knows.


As usual, incisive comments from you. Regarding Mad Dog - I have four of them (my favorite is the operator - a design that works and it is truly innovative).

My comment about how many Mad Dog favorites would have been mentioned was a serious one. I bet there would have been alot more over there. As indicated by the responses here, there are A LOT of great makers - Boye, Carson, etc..., including Mad Dog.

Unlike most great makers and their adherents, a few somehow believe that they are the (only) Great Maker. Of course, that is their perogative. No flame intended - thanks for the input.


p.s. Wish I had a VooDoo Child!
My favorites are based on the memories attached to them.
Folder, Al Mar Sere/Attack (limited prod serial numbered) Probably because I was once under the command of LTC Nick Rowe and met Al a couple of times. They were both great people and they designed a great looking knife together.. (even if the lock is a little weak!)
Fixed, Gotta be my Lile SlyII. Same reason. Bought it from Jimmy. He was a good guy, but kinda crusty, His wife is a sweet lady! Good for a couple hours of very educational chat if you ever make it the the Lile shop!

I cut it, and I cut it, and it's STILL too short!

Mel pardue button lock.MOP scales.Absolutely
stunning.Can also show it to those who do not understand and sometimes they do.