"Find latest posts" function not showing newer posts since 8/16

We did some digging on this last night and are still tryign to resolve this. Work continues
Search issues appear to be resolved.
Posts after August 16th are there except for new posts after the reindex of August 27th.
Search issues appear to be resolved.
Thanks for working on this! I was excited to see that the issues did indeed seem to be resolved. But ...

Posts after August 16th are there except for new posts after the reindex of August 27th.
Ramzar speaks the truth. Something is still funky with the way "Search" is operating; it just has a new "end of universe" date.

- GT
A thread that I started yesterday is not showing when I search "Find Latest Started Thread" from my profile or when searched for from the search box.

Other than that the search seems much better.
The "find latest posts" problem seems to be back. It isn't showing anything after 8/29.
Stopped working at 8/16 then started working. Now stopped again at 8/28...thanks.
Yep, for some reason the server is not accepting the automatic reindexing or delta reindexing. We're still investigating.
You can still see all your posts chronologically by going to My Profile > My Activity and clicking on your user name.

You can still do an across the board search of BladeForums through Google. In Google just prefix site:bladeforums.com with what you want to search for.
I discovered the same problem; the activity stream shows recent posts, but when clicking on the latest posts function shows nothing new since August.
Search, Advanced Search and Find latest posts are all now showing the very latest posts.

ETA: However, this post and another both after 8:50am PT today don't show up.
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I may have spoken too soon about the "find latest posts" search function working again. It doesn't seem to be showing the latest posts.
We're still working on this. We're using a third party sphinx search set up because the vBulletin search sucks. For some reason the manual indexing works, but scheduled indexing does not. We're trying to track down why.
Still having issues, doesn't load latest threads, my latest is 8-28-16.

Nothing newer is showing up.