Finish On Clip Screws

Oct 2, 1998
I rarely register a complaint about Spyders but I have to comment on this. I have one of the new Carbon Fiber Civilians. The first thing I do with all my knives, (other than check for flaws), is to put a coat of Flitz on them. I can't believe how easy the finish on this Civilian's clip screws came off. After a very careful, light buffing, the black on the screw heads is about 50% gone and the bright coating underneath is showing through. I know, I know, not really a big deal but still frustrating. I have older Spyders with black clip screws that I have polished many times and they are not wearing like these.
Hi Gene. Sorry 'bout that. They should all be the same. I imagine Mike in Warrantee & Repair could probably chase down new screws.

Hi Sal,
Ah, just whining a little. Hard sometimes to find anything about Spyders to whine about. I might do that though because I was pretty amazed how quickly and easily the finish came off. Thanks.