Firesteel vs a Lighter...

Jan 5, 2011
Ok, I admit that I don't completely understand firesteel. I've never used a firesteel before, but I have used chips from magnesium-framed snowshoes for starting winter campfires (more for the novelty than anything else--sure, the magnesium burns nice and hot but it wasn't necessary at all.) I'd like to hear your opinions on firesteels. Is it more of a back-up/novelty thing or would you just rather carry a lighter/matches in your kit?

Please enlighten me! :)
It's great for a back-up. If your matches and lighter get soaked, that firesteel could save your bacon. It's not my primary means of starting a fire, but it's nice to have and not that bulky.

I use both. The lighter is easier and more convenient. The firesteel is there in case the lighter craps out.
A firsteel for it's size is well worth carrying than not in my opinion. It will light many more fires than a matches and a lighter. It will work when wet, and takes up little space.

That said, I carry a lighter as my primary and a firsteel as a back up.
I carry both, but I honestly prefer to use a fresteel. It seems to me that it is more enjoyable to start a fire when I use a firesteel. Not really sure why, as it doesn't need that much practice to get the fire going if you have good tinder. Plus, if you go for a dunk, the firesteel will work straight away.
For me, there is no debate at all. Ferrocerium rods work when everything else can fail. Everything else is a back-up to the ferro rods.
my PSK has both a lighter and firesteel. the lighter can get soaked and stop working or can break. You should lways have more than one way to make a fire.
I carry both, but I honestly prefer to use a fresteel. It seems to me that it is more enjoyable to start a fire when I use a firesteel. Not really sure why, as it doesn't need that much practice to get the fire going if you have good tinder. Plus, if you go for a dunk, the firesteel will work straight away.

I carry both a Bic and a Firesteel (I have both the Coghlans and the LightMyFire...they both work well).
I like to use the ferro rods because they're more ''fun'' then a plain ol' lighter. I would feel fine carrying just a ferro rod into the woods. If you use vaseline soaked cottonballs...and leave about half bare cotton, then puff out the bare half, a ferro rod will light it in one strike. Awesome little woods tools IMO!
I use a Bic 90% of the times with the remaining 10% split between wooden matches and one of my Firesteels. At cold temps the Bic requires too much hand warming so other methods are faster. Pack at least 3 ways to start a fire. On a side note there is a fun factor to using a Firesteel which can't be discounted. :)
I can count on the ferro rod no matter what. It's there if I need it. But the Bic is easier, and is used unless it wont work.
I carry a bic as a back-up to my firesteel which is a back-up to primitive methods. Life is too short to miss the joys of abo-ignition. Then again, I also enjoy foreplay.....
you can keep your lighters AND your fire steels. I'll take a good 'strike anywhere' match. :D
Carry what ya want. As long as it works, and you are confident with it.

I guess I could say my ferro is a backup to my lighter, but in reality I can use it just as easy as a lighter or matches. Its all in the prep. I really cant remember the last time I used a lighter for fire in the woods. I remember a match, but that was for a class. I carry one in my PSK, as well as matches and PJ cotton, but thats where they stay.

Novelty? I think not. Its a very important piece of kit to master. If you are relying on a lighter or matches, and keep your ferro in a kit just in case you need it, you are setting yourself up for a big fat no-go. Master that tool, and you will be suprised at how you look at the lighter.
Novelty? I think not. Its a very important piece of kit to master. If you are relying on a lighter or matches, and keep your ferro in a kit just in case you need it, you are setting yourself up for a big fat no-go. Master that tool, and you will be suprised at how you look at the lighter.


I have read tens of thousands of words on how your life depends on a knife and then people go on to say that a folder is not hardcore, lifesaving gear because they bend in the middle, they have moving parts, they can fail and then you will die. And then go on to extol the value of a Bic lighter. :D
^ I'd have to agree that there is a learning curve w/ the firesteel, both in what tinder(s) will work w/ it and how to best get a decent spark

good idea to have the kinks worked out before you really need it to start a fire :)
Firesteel for me. There is nothing to fail. I carry a small fire starting kit with me that has UCO/REI matches, Bic lighter, Fresnal lens, and a GG FS. I consider fire too important to rely on only one method of starting.
i must do something wrong then. i carry a firesteel with my stuff, "in case". I prefer strike anywhere matches and use a lighter as backup to them. I enjoy nursing fires to life, but the firesteel is an exercise in frustration for me. It seems that it is a pain in the ass to shave off enough to start a fire. I plan to buy magnesium shavings online (I found a place you could buy them bulk) and put them in a little container to carry instead.

I would agree that it is most prudent to carry a few igniter options. Although I've never used one before, I do like the idea of firesteel and certainly want to try one out. Perhaps it is time for me to just go out and buy a couple of 'em already. I'm pleased to hear many of you use the firesteel on a regular basis and can vouch for it.