First Beckers

Nov 9, 2002
I just received my first two Beckers (hopefully not my last) from Chestnut Ridge Knife Shop (Thanks, Tom!).

I've been a RAT guy for a long time, but curiousity (and this forum) got the best of me.

I purchased both the BK-9 and the BK-2. Wow! These are the most underrated knives I've ever held. Are they superior to my RAT's? No, frankly, they aren't (at least to my own eyes). However, these two Beckers are ridiculously inexpensive, and of extraordinary quality.

For example, I have both the RAT-5 and the BK-2...and though the RAT-5 is a FANTASTIC knife, it is over twice the price of the BK-2. Is it twice the knife? Not according to my own hands and eyes. In my humble opinion, the KaBar sheath is absolutely inferior to the excellent RAT sheath. I don't like the KaBar sheath at all. But what a knife this BK-2 is. I've handled knives that were far more expensive that were of no better utility.

The same goes for the BK-9. It is sharp, well-balanced, and is an incredible implement. The little BK-13 also has promise. It is smaller than I expected, but it is very handy....and sharp.

Forgive the length of this post: I couldn't help myself

- Howeudew
Welcome aboard, and welcome to Beckers. I personally think Beckers are the most bang for the buck available. I agree that the RATs have better sheaths: whether they're better knives or not may be open to question. I don't have one, so I can't say. I will say that, if I weren't a Becker man, RAT would be my second choice. I'm sure you'll get good use out of your Beckers.
I support both companies. The Becker line is an absolutely fantastic deal and made by a great company. RATS are excellent blades, great people, and really nice sheaths. They are a little more, but if you try and get a custom kydex sheath, you end up paying the same amount of money. I just ordered a kydex sheath from Eric at On Scene tatical
and cant wait to see what a difference it will make for my BK-7.
I have a BK2 and a RC-5 too and have a preference for the RAT. For some reason the 1/4" steel seems fine on the RAT but a little excessive on the Becker.

How are you liking your BK9 howeudew? I've been considering purchasing one for some time.
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I love the BK-9, and HIGHLY recommend it!

I haven't weighed the BK-2 and the BK-9, but in my hand they seem to weigh the same. In other words, the BK-9 has a much greater length for about the same weight (again, by my "feel").

It's balance and "feel" are amazing given its size. I have big hands, and the handle fits like it was made for me. It is sharp, and it is solid. RAT Cutlery has nothing of this length (yet).

I have not tried to chop with it, but I've no doubt it would successfully chop anything I would personally attempt. (I'm not one to use a knife for a chore that an axe or saw should be doing.)

As far as further comparisons with the RAT? I still like my RAT's more, but it is a personal thing. The Beckers "feel" nicer in the hand.

My "like the RAT more" thing is more of a personal feeling than it is a review.

- Howeudew