First Post

Jan 22, 2006
Hi all,

New to the forum here, from Belgium !

For many years I had a SAK (Wenger, then Victorinox Swiss Champ), and the last 6 years changed that to a Leatherman Wave and finally a Charge...
After all those happy years with my Charge (and Wave, repaired twice in warranty : broken pliers and a ripped off knife...) I was thinking of buying back a SAK.

But the choice is so huge, especially with internet now...

What is the MOST complete and fully equipped SAK that money can buy now ?

Yea, noticed that.
It's a big sucka, but what about other brands (beside Victorinox and Wenger ?)
Do they have SAK (with blades, pliers, screwdr., maybe LED lights, tweezers...)

The Victorinox SwissChamp XLT and the Wenger Tool Chest Plus are the flagship models of the only two companies that supply pocket knives to Switzerland's millitary. You might also check out Victorinox's Workchamp xl. It has quite an assortment of tools but is based on a 111mm platform vs the SwissChamp's 91mm platform.