First Slim EDC with Bearings!

Jan 30, 2004
I just finished this one. It's the first slim EDC with pivot bearings. It's also my first stonewash finish. I stonewashed the blade and the Ti parts. I really like look of this finish. Too bad I can't capture it in a picture.





I really like the look of this knife. The stonewash finish looks great.

I'm guessing this one is already spoken for?
Did the bearings make a big improvement Ray? I just cant imagine my slim EDC getting much smoother. I like how the stone wash turned out by the way looks like a winner to me.
Thanks guys.

Andrew I think it's just a little smoother. The thing with bearings is that you can tighten the pivot screw a lot more without losing that smoothness as compared to having washers.
I'm stoked to be the lucky guy in line for this gem. I'll post some additional photos and feedback soon. The stone wash is right up my alley and I'm looking forward to seeing the action on the pivot bearing.

Immaculate work once again - thanks Ray!
Rolf: Blade is 3", handle is 4", D2 steel, .090" Ti frame

mckrob: I don't have a shot of the bearing system but it doesn't use loose balls like IKBS.
Lookin good Ray!