Five Card Stud: Jacks Are Better!

black mamba

Gold Member
Oct 21, 2009
5 Card Stud is an old poker game. Not many play it anymore, with Texas Hold'em becoming so popular. So this is my game: Show your favorite five jackknives, but they have to be at least as old as I am, so made before 1955. Extra props if you can make a straight (5 different makers or handle materials) or a flush (5 of the same maker or handle materials). Here's my hand, a flush of butter & molasses celluloid:






Play along, let's see those beautiful ol' jacks!
Full House there Jeff! Those B&Ms rank supreme:cool:

Can't offer anything myself, I mean that Methuzela birth-date is going to test the best :eek::D:D

And I'm in the Blade at Each End game more;)

Looking forward to others' additions to this thread.

Thanks, Will
Wow, those are some nice ones so far. I better get some of mine posted before Charlie and Kevin post their all of their flush and straight hands. Opening with a Pritzlaff jack:

Conn. Cutlery Co. stabber jack:

Bad pic of an Ulster stabber jack:

Camillus Sword:

A beat up Southington jack that still takes a great edge:
There are some Mind Blowing Knives shown here already!!!

Mike- gorgeous Hand my friend - it's funny my mouth was watering looking at your post!, Then the game gets serious when Al steps in- it always does with his usual
quality :eek:, and then Mike steps up and now some players are starting to sweat 'cause Mike aint shy of layin' down what seems a winning hand :cool:, Alan comes in with a definite Flush and things are getting interesting!
eisman sneaks in as a regular and its automatic that he presents a real threat and then Charlie comes along and wipes the table of the players dreams!

Whew! lovely Knives!