fix for loose head?

Feb 12, 2001
I recently purchased an M&W cheap-o hawk, and at first, the head was very tight. after a few days, it loosened up, so I soaked it in water overnight, and it tightened right up. A few days later I noticed that the head is looser than before. Anybody have any suggestions for tightening it up? Can tomahawk heads be wedged? What about epoxy? --Josh
There is a lot of good information on the topic in this thread. Regarding using a wedge on a tomahawk with a standard tapered eye & haft (handle), I tried a while back but it didn't work for me. As the wedge entered & started to spread the wood, the head responded by sliding down the haft.
Thanks for the link, Brian. I've already seen it. I used some of the suggestions in that thread to attach the head in the first place. Unfortunately, I have a paracord wrap just beneath the head, and it is coated with epoxy, so there is no way to get the head off without some major work. I think the problem is that the handle is too small for the eye of the head. I can see a bit of light on the right and left sides, but the front and back fit very tightly. The wedge thing might work for me because the paracord would keep the head from sliding down the handle.
Josh, the paracord wrap might help keep the head from moving but, then again... I used an epoxy coated leather wrap below the head on a CS Plainsman that kept coming loose from throwing. The head loosened and pushed what was now a neat leather collar right down the shaft with it.

You might want to try soaking the head in linseed oil for about a week to allow ample time for it to absord into the pores. Someone had mentioned that the oil wouldn't absord sufficiently to swell the fibers but I had gotten the tip from Yvsa & I trust his advice. I haven't tried it myself yet but I will after I fit some new hafts as closely as I can over the winter. If nothing else, the oil soak shouldn't damage anything like an extended soak in water might.

Please let us know how you make out. Yours is a long standing battle that I've had with some of my hawks. I'll probably get an arbor press, as Two Hawks had suggested, over the winter. Good luck!