Fixed Blade Handles?

Sep 1, 2002
From different pictures around the web Ive seen some of the straight handled fixed blades with a 'Ballistic Gum' handle, and some with what looks to be a Kraton handle with a bolt through the middle.

Are there different handles on different models? Also, are both the Ballistic Gum handles and Kraton ones removable?

Lastly, how does the Ballistic Gum hold up? What would you say this material is comparable to?

Thanks in advance!
Frank is away at Blade Show West so I'll try to answer for him. The first ER fixed blades came in with a form of synthetic handle that had a central grip surface that mated like velcro to the sheath. It functioned as a secondary retention system. The new grips are more like Krayton but have the unique feature of being easily removed to allow for the cleaning of the tang or changing colors as the situation may require.
Just returned from Blade West (well at least part way) and can attest that I was somewhat curious about the handle material as well as the ergonomics (lets face it, they appear a bit strange) and I would say that the new rubber like handles feel a lot like Kraton grips or handles but to mee they felt a bit more dense and almost tacky. I did not relly ask many questions about the material itself but I'm sure that Frank will address this when he returns. The handles are removable and as Rundel mentioned, are interchangable with different colors and a como pattern. Other colors/patterns of sheaths are also available. All in all I was impressed with the design. In addition I would advise that although the handles visually appear as if they might be uncomfortable, they are very fit to the hand. At least mine. For what it's worth, IMHO, A very good tool and I left the show with three in my bag.

Wow. Just reviewed and noted the bad typos. Should have gotten some sleep before getting on the computer.