Folder making resources (books, DVDs, etc.)

Sep 16, 2002
Several years ago when I was only casually paying attention to the topic, I understood that the 'best' folder making resource was an out of print book (Terzoula's perhaps?) Just wondering if that is still the case, or if there is something else available now.

Thanks in advance for any recommendations. This is something I'd like to pursue now but don't really know where to start.
I have a few. "Slipjoints my way" by Don Robinson, and "lockback folding knives" by Stefan Stigerwald are the favorites of what I have
Not sure if I can post the link, but I have a link that goes to that book (Terzoula's) and a few others.

I don't see why not. It's not like you are selling any services unauthorized. As long as the author of the book is ok with it I guess.