Free Unicorn Barlow to a lucky winner - see post #187

Happy birthday! Please count me in. I’ll take a ‘stab’ at it and say 08:00 AM, the time my first born joined me in this world!

While I’m on a roll, my third daughter was adopted. Nobody knows her time of birth. Man, I don’t even know the exact time she was found on the street, but I do know that it was early morning when the shop keepers were arriving to open things up for the day . . . so let’s say 6:43 AM

She’s just a little peanut, so I thought a pic of my pinched peanut would be fitting

And last but certainly not least, my fourth and youngest daughter was born at 7:58 AM and to commemorate our last child’s birth I got this beautiful Davidson

I guess 09.35hrs
I love a mystical giveaway.
congrats on the milestone Barry.
Blood red #12.

7:17 am (and 7 seconds)


5:17 am here's another one I bought from you. This thread makes me realize I sure have sent you a lot of money. :D I must say that you have always treated me well and no doubt I will be sending you much more in the future because IMO GEC makes the best most consistent in fit and finish traditional production knives on the planet at this time.

Some days a body just doesn't feel like himself so how bout a Reverse Gunstock for a Gunstock Jack!! :D:D 4:43am

