Freedom of Speech -- commentary by Uncle Bill. Please read.

Mar 5, 1999
I posted this as a response in another thread but after doing so decided it was important enough to post as a separate thread.

Remember the words of Voltaire. I've lived in places where what you said or wrote could get you thrown in jail or even killed. Free speech is one of the most important freedoms we have and should be defended to the death by all of us. This is a freedom that is too important to lose.

As much as I loathed Jane Fonda's (and others like her) rhetoric and actions I still defended her right to say and do what she did and would again today -- and I would and will do the same for anybody else regardless of what position they might hold or who they are EVEN IF I VIOLENTLY DISAGREE WITH THEM AND HOLD THEM PERSONALLY IN THE LOWEST ESTEEM. To do less is to violate my code of personal ethics and to be derelict in my duties as a citizen of the finest country in the world.

Think it over.


I try to defend free speech in all walks of life and in this forum but right now I'm struggling for survival and simply don't have the time and extra energy to devote to this matter.

I hope this is the end of it. If not, let's take a time out and resume the debate at a later date. If we can't do that I'll delete this thread and any others like it until I have more time to devote to differences in philosophies and personalities.
