Game Skinner thread - David..

Aug 10, 1999
I posted a discussion of the use of the Game Skinner in Knife Reviews and Testing.

Mostly I've been pretty specifically looking at knives and arthritis.

I suddenly realized that I should have posted a notice in this forum - firstly because users of Game Skinners are more likely to be found here - and more importantly out of courtesy to the moderator.

Mostly what has been said in the thread is fairly complementary to Outdoor Edge, but that is not the issue. What is an issue to me now that I've realized it is that we are very fortunate to have moderators who devote a lot of time and energy to the forums. As they take the time to devote their expertise to facilitate discussion, I feel that it was my responsibility to have informed a moderator that something pertaining to their forum was being discussed by me in another forum. That is simple courtesy.

David Bloch, and indeed every moderator in every forum therefore has my sincere apology for my lack of courtesy and foresight.

If anyone considers that I've gone a little far in correcting a simple mistake, I would urge them to consider how many enjoyable hours they have spent on these forums - and why the forums stay enjoyable.

