gaw GAW ~ BE PREPARED ~ GAW gaw [ Delivered to Winner, SF FANATIC pg.4 ]


In a few minutes, the random winner will be selected by the Wheel of Names
I just need to enter the names ... and spin that wheel

Thank you ALL for sharing your scouting memories and those who selflessly nominated others. Just wonderful !!!

21 ENTRIES ~ 01 RESULT ~ Congratulation sf fanatic sf fanatic :)
Message your name and address to me and I will have your 1985 BSA Diamond Jubilee Commemorative at the Post Office today !!!


Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I will always cherish this beautiful knife. 🙏

Aw Dan, you're very kind. It just might be a good user though.
As I mentioned, there is some blade rub on the pile side of the primary and a little handling "scratches" here and there.
It's an almost 40yr old knife after all.
Regardless of what you do with your knife, CONGRATULATIONS !!! ... and post a pic when you receive it please :)
Aw Dan, you're very kind. It just might be a good user though.
As I mentioned, there is some blade rub on the pile side of the primary and a little handling "scratches" here and there.
It's an almost 40yr old knife after all.
Regardless of what you do with your knife, CONGRATULATIONS !!! ... and post a pic when you receive it please :)
Got to the Post Office this afternoon and they were CLOSED ?!?!?!
MLK Birthday I think. In retirement I don't keep track of some things as well as I should I guess D'OH
... off to the Post Office in the morning !!!

My Scoutmaster (Troop 29, Central Baptist Church) was a Korean War Army veteran. A LOT of our gear was military surplus.
Nick Patterson owned a service station, was an authorized Cushman Scooter dealer and also sold used motorcycles, had a cattle farm ... and an old school bus we sanded, painted and used for frequent scouting excursions.
Those were very good times ... except camping in the very dead of winter. I know hate is a strong word, but I HATE being cold LOL. Vintage military surplus tents and uninsulated wood cabins helped only a little HA.

I recently found out Nick passed away in 2017 in his 80's. I would thank him for helping prepare a boy with skills and life tools that have followed him throughout his entire life. Thanks Nick.
Fantastic GAW Brother Jim and a big congrats to SF Fanatic. :thumbsup::thumbsup: Like others have said the stories and pics were fun and brought back fond memories. This is one of those GAW's were you can sense that the winner is definitely thrilled to be the recipient and that the giver is tickled to be able to spread some joy. ( the porch is a happy place) :thumbsup::)