Gearing up for hunting season

Oct 29, 2005
A few months ago I bought a Frosts of Sweden #760-MG fixed blade knife described as a "Swedish Army Issue". I haven't really used it since then but would like to take it into the field this fall.
The problem is, I'm not sure how much I can trust the plastic shealth. Are there any suggestions for a replacement? I used the search function but came up empty.

You might be able to pick up a used leather sheath on the cheap on eBay.

Or you could have a custom leather or custom kydex made. There are lots of sheath makers here on the boards.
Go over to the "wilderness survival" section and search for "Normark (aka Eric)." He makes excellent kydex sheaths for those Swedish knives, as well as many others.
If you can, try wearing it around the house, and the yard. Getting up and sitting down in chairs will jerk the sheath around plenty. That will give you some idea of how it carries and handles banging around and twisting.
The pic shown by Guyon is the knife in question. Good advice to try it around the house and yard prior to hunting season. I have since re-inforced the sheath in a couple of areas with Gorilla duct tape.