Gerber Multitool Double Standards or Knockoffs?

Interesting. I didn't see the "new" tool on the Gerber website and I'm not familiar with it. I can say that the Compact Sport is a handy little multi and in my opinion is worth its retail price. :)
Matches said:
Interesting. I didn't see the "new" tool on the Gerber website and I'm not familiar with it. I can say that the Compact Sport is a handy little multi and in my opinion is worth its retail price. :)

Hi, I think the term new here does not imply that it is a new model. But new as in unopened, unused. I suspect it could be a discontinued model or even a knockoff.

A while ago, Walmart had Gerber make a low-feature multi for them. These ended up being blown out at $10 to $15 each. This may be that tool.

JoeBW said:

A while ago, Walmart had Gerber make a low-feature multi for them. These ended up being blown out at $10 to $15 each. This may be that tool.


Yeah, I remember that. It was a 15 function tool and I saw it as low as $15. The 15-function multi-plier referenced above looks exactly like the Wal-Mart version.
heathah said:
Yeah, I remember that. It was a 15 function tool and I saw it as low as $15. The 15-function multi-plier referenced above looks exactly like the Wal-Mart version.

Thanks JoeBW and heathah, I guess that must be it. But how does it compare to the standard Gerber production?
I don't think the Wal-Mart version had scissors on it. The Ebay pic above sucks so I can't tell for sure. That's all I remember but I may be wrong. I wouldn't buy the $15 tool just because the pic sucks. There's also no description whatsoever which kinda makes me a little concerned. Just my opinion, though. :)