Give the gift of AKTI membership

Oct 3, 1998
As I have recently had the opportunity of converting my brother into a knife knut, it has occurred to me that I can strengthen his sense of commitment to knives, and do the world a small favor as well, by buying him a gift membership in AKTI.

Consider the following:

AKTI could include on their membership applications a box to check yes/no if it is to be a gift membership.

I can't make myself a member twice, but I can join on my brother's behalf, right? The total benefit, from AKTI's standpoint, of giving a gift membership will be greater than simply doubling the money received: another person (who no doubt has never heard of AKTI) will find out about the organization and become sensitized to the cause.

Could AKTI prepare a nice card to send out along with the actual membership card, informing the recipient that a membership has been given by so-and-so and many happy returns, etc. . . . ? Some magazines do this, you know. This is how I became a member of the National Wildlife Federation.

"Freedon: A gift that keeps on giving."

Thanks to all who are helping.

David Rock

[This message has been edited by David Rock (edited 17 July 1999).]
What a terrific idea! We'll start by using your suggestion on our form on the web site and update other forms as they are printed.
Keep the good ideas coming - AKTI is your organization!

Jan Billeb
Executive Director, AKTI
Great idea Dave.

CJ Buck
Buck Knives, Inc.
AKTI Member #PR00003
