Glad To See It Made It Here!

Let me be the first to officially welcome you. I'll do a couple of posts to the general tactical forum and community, get some traffic headed this way. Donna, I suggest creating a "list instruction sources here" thread with some good links to lists of instructor websites.

Welcome aboard Donna! Let me know the username of your co-moderator (s).

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!

Support BladeForums! Check out the BFC Store!
Hi Donna!!!

Just read that you are here and am glad you made!!!

Wished I made it to NYC with you. Was it fun? Any new toys?


AKTI #A000356
Hi Donna,

Glad you made it here. Now I don't have to go from one forum to another.

You know what was funny? I suspected Mike had bought KFC; as of today he says otherwise but anyways, yesterday I went to compose EMail pleading with him to bring Donna over to BF if in fact he was the mystery buyer. But since I'd had an EMail bounce to Donna several weeks ago I decided to go over to her forum on KFC to scoop up her current EMail addy. This was last night; I spotted her post about moving to BF soon and realized Mike had beaten me to it!

Donna and this forum were one of the best things on KFC; I intend to plead with whoever the new owner is to transfer the old FCA forum datafiles over to Spark and Mike so we can retain as many of those threads as possible. It'd be a nice gesture on his/her part, whoever it is. It's not Mad Dog, we know he's building his own forum right now and I wish him the best of luck with it, seriously.

My guess is, the new buyer is holding off on any announcement until Kevin's new area is operational? That would be a classy thing to do, actually...that's what I suspected Mike was doing but it isn't him. That's good and bad; bad because it doesn't "finish reuniting the split" but good because he won't have to deal with the potential quagmire that is the Microtech forum. The secret area is controversial, #1 and something I can't talk about.

Anyways. MT needs a forum and it wouldn't surprise me if the new owners were indeed MT or connected with them. We may get Stryder knives(?), that would be fine...CR is already set here, Kevin's going his own way. Hilton Yam is VERY good people but he seems to have faded from the forum scene somewhat; if that changes and he wants to take a more active role I'd vote for him as co-moderator of Tactical if Bob Taylor agrees.

Can anyone think of any other KF refugees that might wash up on our shores? Wasn't Joe Talmadge a technical-area moderator? He'd be GREAT as a Shop Talk co-moderator, pending how Darrel, wait, we've GOT him already in Reviews/Testing. Any other KF people we should be looking for?

Donna, meet one of your new co-moderators (he shares Community with me, at my suggestion):


See also:

Community is now one really hilarious place, but it could use a "feminine touch"!


Welcome, Donna & Wileen. I'm happy to see you've joined the BF family.

Donna, was any of that jewelry from Jot Sing Khalsa? He makes some beautiful pieces. I picked up a couple as gifts at the ECCKS in March.



I may be goin' to hell in a bucket, Babe, but at least I'm enjoyin' the ride.

Hey Donna and Wileen

Glad to see you here. Geeeze now I'm going to have to spend some time in here too! This place is just taking too much of my time!!!! (Not that I'm complaining, but my wife is starting to

Now I'm going to have to tell her some of that time is being spent with two women! Not only that, two women who likes knives!!!! She's not gonna like this at all.... Oh well......

I'll just tell Angie I'm spending it with you Donna. She'll just have to understand.

Ross T.

[This message has been edited by ROSANGHAL (edited 11 November 1999).]

[This message has been edited by ROSANGHAL (edited 11 November 1999).]
Hi Donna & Wileen,

I see you made it over to BladeForums.Com early. Cool! It was nice meeting you all at the show. Now we can talk about Filipino Martial Arts here too. I didn't buy anything at the show, but I'm going to order one of Bob Dozier's fixed blades. Donna, those were some nice Mad Dogs! Didn't know you were carrying until you pulled them out, which is the plan I guess!

K. Williams
Modern Arnis Student
Good to have y'all aboard here Donna and Wileen!!
Maybe this old man will drop in and ask an "ol'man's question" now and then.

Ya have ta defend yerself when ya cain't run!!


If you mix milk of magnesia with vodka and orange juice do you get a phillips screwdriver?

Khukuri FAQ

Its wonderful having you on this site.I would sometimes jump over to the other forum just to read your forum and wished it was here-and now it is!Welcome again.



And DONNA!! I'm here!
Just got through reading all the posts!

Thank you for all the warm welcomes!
I have to admit that I was a little post- shy, I'm not anymore!

Hi Kevin, It was great meeting you at the Knife show.

Wileen Arellano
Bakbakan International

Donna's Mad Dogs are blessed! Not only do they not print (yes... she carries more than one), but they are invisible to cops. I attest to this. I was there (shaking in my shoes no less.)

I can always feel safe with Donna around.


AKTI #A000356