God Bless America !!

Eric Isaacson

Dec 19, 1999
I'm not very eloquent at putting my thoughts into words, thankfully I don't think I need to be to get my point across today.
I'm proud to be a Busse owner,
I'm proud to be a moderator of this great group
and Most of all I'm Proud to be an American, today and all days.
God Bless America and those that Stand with us in this time of Tragedy.

The following was written in 1973, some of you may have heard or read it but I think it Bears repeating.
America: The Good Neighbor

Widspread but only partial news coverage was given recently to a remarkable edtiorial broadcast from Toronto by Gordon Sinclair a Canadian Television commentator. What follows is the full text of his remarks as printed in the Congressional Record:

"This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the Americans as the most generous and possibly the least appreciated people on all the earth. Germany, Japan and, to a lesser extent Britain and Italy were lifted out of the debris of war by the Americans who poured in billions of dollars and forgave other billons in debts. None of these countries is today paying even the interest on its remaining debts to the United States.

When France was in danger of collapsing in 1956, it was the Americans who propped it up, and their reward was to be insulted and swindled on the streets of Paris. I was there. I saw it.

When earthquakes hit distant cities, it is the Untited states that hurries in to help. This spring, 59 American Communtities were flattened by tornadoes. Nobody helped.

The Marshall Plan and the Truman Policy pumped billions of dollars into discouraged countries. Now newspapers in those countries are writing about the decadent, warmongering Americans.

I'd like to see just one of those countries that is gloating over the erosion of the Untited States dollar build its own airplane. Does any other country in the world have a plane to equal the Boeing Jumbo Jet, The Lockheed Tri-star, or the Douglas DC10? If so, why don't they fly them? Why do all the International lines except Russia fly American Planes?

Why does no otehr land on earth even consider putting a man or woman on the moon? You talk about Japanese technocracy, and you get radios. You talk about German technocracy, and you get automobiles.

You talk about American technocracy, and you find men on the moon- not once, but several times- and safely home again.

You talk about scandals, and the Americans put theirs right in the store window for everbody to look at. Even their draft-dodgers are not pursued and hounded. They are here on our streets, and most of them, unless they are breaking Canadian laws, are getting American dollars from ma and pa at home to spend here.

When the railways of France, Germany and India were breaking down through age, it was the Americans who rebuilt them. When the Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York Central went broke, nobody loaned them an old caboose. Both are still broke.

I can name you 5000 times when the Americans raced to the help of other people in trouble. Can you name me even one time when someone else raced to the Americans in trouble? I don't thnk there was outside help even during the San Francisco earthquake.

Our neighbors have faced it alone, and I'm one Canadian who is damned tired of hearing them get kicked around. They will come out of this thing with their flag high. And when they do, they are entitled to thumb their nose at the lands that are gloating over their present troubles. I hope Canada is not one of those "
I believe that this heinous act is a "wake up call" for America. Frankly, I am surprised something like this did not occur sooner. However, thankfully, this episode of cowardice against American citizens did not include either biological or nuclear weapons. I believe that we, as Americans, need to realize that to have the freedom that we do, we must make sacrifices. Ever board a plane in London or Germany ? I can guarantee you that it is not nearly as easy a process as in the US. We must be willing to give up some of our conveniences, perhaps even some of our civil liberties, in order to gain the safety and security that we must have.

We must also be willing to stop "fighting fair" - we outlawed the payments of monies to informants in the international theatre and other clandestine things of that nature. That was a mistake. Today there are fewer spies in our military than there are players in the NFL! What's wrong with this picture?! We must be willing to spend money not on inter galactic missiles, but rather on the covert operations necessary to infiltrate the weapon of the 21st century - terrorism.

Anyway, enough of my ranting. If our neigbors and allies choose not to join us (although I believe most will) than we can and will do it alone. God bless America !!
Well, looks like you and I will be on opposite sides of this one. I for one am strongly opposed to budging one bit towards giving up any of my "civil liberties".

To do so takes away from me what makes me intrinsically an AMERICAN!

If you do not see or understand this, you really have much to learn.

Study the reasons this country was founded. Study what its founders intended.

Forgive me for not quoting directly, but one of them, maybe Thomas Jefferson said something to the effect that anyone willing to give up liberty in exchange for comfort deserves neither.

If you like the way that things are run in other countries, I will help you pack your bags.
"They that give up an essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-Benjamin Franklin (1759)

I'm not afraid of terrorists. I'm afraid of our government taking away more of our liberties. And the people doing nothing to stop it. Most of us have forgotten that our nations founding document says our rights come from our Creator, not government, and that our Constitution was meant to project those rights, not take them away. I'm afraid we'll have the anti-gun crowd becoming anti-knife. I'm afraid that law abidding citizens will be disarmed, making terrorism easier.

We as a nation think things are evil, rather than people. We blame a tool for being misused, instead of those who misuse them. We ban the tool rather than punish the misuse of the tool. My father said, last night, that we will eventually have to ban sticks, because people will turn to sticks and stones if they have nothing else with which to kill each other.
Perhaps Messrs. Thatmyguy & Stuart misunderstand my use of the term "civil liberties". By stating that we must give up some of our civil liberties, I did not mean to say that we would have to give up our "essential liberties". Perhaps a better term would have been our "conveniences". I am willing to be inconvenienced when I try to board an airplane or when I try to gain access to a public building or when I apply for a license or something of that sort.

I did not mean was that we must be willing to give up our essential basic freedoms, like the right to bear arms (or knives). I truly believe that if we lose our rights to bear arms of any kind, only the criminals or terrorists will have the guns and knives.

I appreciate the offer to 'help me pack', Thatmyguy, but having worked, travelled and lived in many foreign countries I can say from experience that there isn't any country in this world anywhere as nice.

However, if you are willing to help out with the garbage, come on over....
No pal, I responded specifically to your suggestion of giving up "conveniences" and then specifically "civil liberties".

I believe I have heard this same rhetoric from the likes of Schumer, the Klintons, and others. Even Hanoi Jane.

If you really feel that way, please do us all a favor and go live in one of those places where the government provides its sheeple total security.

I'll try and remember to send you a post card every July 4th, if your government lets you get it.

Mike :D

(my apologies Jerry. No disrespect intended, but these are not times to even mention giving up freedoms.)
I originally started this thread to show support for the Country, and I believe we as Americans need to make sure we are united at this time of tragedy. Once we prevail over our enemies, and we will, than we can start attacking out friends again ;)
I would appreciate it if we can all show the U.S. and its citizens that support at this time.

We must not lose sight of one very important thing - WE ARE ON THE SAME SIDE !! My apologies as well to everyone....
I think this post is great. Thanks for posting it Eric. We all have to remember that we are in this together. ONE NATION UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE. We must come together to face this enemy called terrorism. This will be a long fight, and to win it we must stay united.
Andrew Pinchen
Last week I felt pain... I spent my time reflecting with friends... two former Green Berets, a fellow USAF Survival Instructor, and three individuals who did not serve time in the military. We all felt a brotherhood... one as Americans...

I am still physically nauseated...
