Good archery forum?


Gold Member
Dec 1, 2007
Hi BF,

Can you please recommend an archery forum or two? I’d like to find one as good as Bladeforums, but for archery (impossible I know.).

I’m interested in compound bows. Trying to get educated enough tp take the plunge and buy my first setup…don’t want something I’ll want to sell after 6 months, but also don’t want to over spend.

You should Start one and it will be agreat opputunity for others as well. Thanks
Archerytalk used to be great, but I haven't checked it out in a few years.... so I can't really say what its like now. I still love bow hunting, but I'm no longer interested in all the latest and greatest.
Bowsite forums. Use very old looking software. I used to be on their Leatherwall traditional forum before I was on Blade forums. It was good, not sure what it is like now.
Rokslide forum is very good for hunting including archery, but is not a dedicated archery forum. forum could be good for what you want.
Rockslide is not bad. But it caters to the western hunters. I am on AT (Archery Talk). A lot of people love to bash it. I think it is moslty becasue of th sheer amount of members it has. You are bound to get some bad advice and opionions. AT is a perfect examples of the fact that everyone today has to have an opinion about something. You will ask what people think about "X" product, and you will get the:

"I have never shot that bow, but I hear it is great".