Greetings from Afghanistan

Jun 4, 2002
Hi everybody,
Finally made it here about 4am local, sunrise over the Hindu Kush mountains is beautiful. The guys, including this one, are all pretty fuzzy eyed and disoriented, but we've got our duffel bags stowed in our tents and about to get hot chow. Who could complain about that.
I'm in our comm center, I'm not a real techno guy, but this is awesome compared to other places I've jumped off at in my career.
The boys were kind of timid about displaying their "toys", so as soon as the wobblies wore off from our tactical landing, I dug out my BAS and strapped it on. Speaking of that, Rusty, yer killing me, a horn handled WWII!! I'm starting to suspect you might be Santa Claus. Just kidding buddy, thanks for looking out for me.
Hope the fund raising efforts for Bura have surpassed all expectations, and more importantly, that he gets squared away and healthy.
Got to go for now, much to do before I can catch some rack time. Thank goodness I had those heinekens back in Turkey Uncle Bill, it's dry city from here on out.

Take care, God bless and keep you all,
Originally posted by Sylvrfalcn
The boys were kind of timid about displaying their "toys", so as soon as the wobblies wore off from our tactical landing, I dug out my BAS and strapped it on. Speaking of that, Rusty, yer killing me, a horn handled WWII!! I'm starting to suspect you might be Santa Claus.
Just kidding buddy, thanks for looking out for me.


Glad you made it safe and sound Sarge, now keep everyone's six as well as your own outta the way of stray bullets and ambushes!!!!

As to Rusty being Santa, well Rusty is compatible with everything except his carrot top and red leprechaun beard.:rolleyes: :p
Actually maybe Rusty is Santa and just disguising himself during the year while the smaller elves toil. Little Bro most certainly has that evil laugh that Santa sometimes uses.;)
Glad to see that you all made the trip OK. Tell your guys not to be running around naked in a war zone. Get them Khuks out. They just might just make someone decide that he don't want to monkey.:D
..a little not cool to say..but, there are some people in the military who would steal those khukuris if they could. I kinda hope things are better with a volunteer army..

Other thing that occured to me is envy..and some loud mouth wanting to make someone's day rotten. you know..put them down because they have Khuks.
the answer to this is F'k em, and live a life and carry the Khukuri and find out who your friends are.

maybe I got it wrong...

as Pappy says, both malcontents in the service and hostile on the ground might think twice about a guy carrying a khukuri.

Yvsa, now that I think about it, it's quite doubtful that Rusty is Santa Claus. But,you've got to admit finding out my dream khukuri is going to show up some mail call, is definitely Christmas in July. I'm glad Spence got Chris' Sirupati, he definitely deserves it. So maybe Rusty ain't Santa Claus, but he sure just made two khukuri lovers happy.
Munk, no worries, everybody around here is heavily armed, so a khukuri hardly raises an eyebrow. The Brit royal marines are known to carry them, but they're pulling out now. I'll carry my BAS on my belt (left side, cross draw, naturally) with no apology to anybody.
I'm pretty much toast right now, haven't slept since night before last, waiting for it to drop dark, too hot in the tent to even think about it now. Need the guys to get some rest tonight, we've got some work to do tomorrow. I've been inspecting our defensive fighting positions and ain't happy with 'em. Time for some "sandbag 101";) We don't presently expect attack, and that's exactly why I want to be prepared.
Just an abstract thought, I'm lots closer to Bura than y'all so maybe my prayers get there quicker. Bet that makes y'all jealous, 'cause I know we're all pulling for him.

Great to hear from you Sarge!!!!:) Sounds like you are getting settled in ok. Let us know when the WWII is in your hands and take care of yourself! Hope to hear from you soon again!;)
spoken like a true sarge...awake, tired, yet planning the next day of work for his crew..they are lucky to have you.

Munk, I can tell you it is nice to have guys like Sarge around. In a lot of cases you just need somebody close that is on their toes, and looking out after the troops.

Sarge you are just going to love the WW11. These two that I have are growing on me, kind of like the virus. That big one, (you remember the 18 incher and close to two pounds)it jsut kind of waltzes through almost any thing that comes along. I lost another pine tree before the rains came, and that heavy thing took it down and the AK took all the limbs off.
Keep your powder dry and watch your back sides.:) :D
In my limited experience the WWll 18" is my favorite Khuk. I would never choose between that and my 19" chitlangi, though.

Pappy, good men make all the difference in hard times, and the battle field is as hard as it gets, I would say.

Keep safe out there! Liked the "Sandbag 101" remark--funny! Hopefully the "Concealment vs. Cover" course was already given in boot camp!

Watch yer 6, may the War Gods ward and favor you and yours.

EN Ferro Veritas
Sunrise over the Hindu Kush -- I've always wondered why so many wars had to be fought in such beautiful places.

Sarge, many thanks for taking the time to keep us posted. I just got up and went to our puja area and am back after getting appropriate puja going for you and the boys. Take care of your LTs, too. You have about 20 times more experience than they do.

Special blessings!!!!!!!!!
Hey Sarge, glad to hear you made it safe and sound. Good Luck over there.