Guardians of The Lambsfoot!

Good morning Guardians, I hope everyone is having (or has had) a great weekend :) Between other tasks, I was editing my pics last night, but I have too say, nothing makes me feel like going to sleep faster! 🥱 It knocks me out quicker than a skinful of beer! 🥴 :D I'm getting there though! :rolleyes: It's supposed to be another sunny day here, in the mid 70's, but unfortunately, I have too much to do to enjoy another day out, and I'm also going over to York tomorrow with Eve tomorrow. That should be nice, but it's time I'll have to make up 😦 No rest for the wicked eh?! :D I hope everyone has a lovely day, and look forward to seeing any pics of the Aurora Borealis :cool: Let your Lambsfoot bathe in the magical light! :D ;) I'm hoping to get time to get the stones out later, but I'm carrying my Albers today, which still has a great edge :) :thumbsup:

Nice pic, Jack. :thumbsup:

I went out Friday night to see if I could see the Northern Lights, but I couldn’t find anywhere dark enough to see them with the naked eye. I did take this long exposure pic with my phone, but I couldn’t actually see any of that in person. (That’s Eleanor’s school in the background.)


Son discovered my Turkey calls 🤦🏻

That’s about the time I break out the noise-canceling ear buds. 😁 Every year for Christmas I buy the girls (ours and my niece) one annoying gift, because it’s what my dad would’ve done. One year it was duck calls. 🤣

We had a pretty quiet weekend, and spent most of the day today at home. I got the yard mowed for the first time this year, finally turned on the AC and got a few other things done around the house. We went for a low-key dinner at a local drive-in. It’s a cool old place, but kinda pricey for what it is (which is probably why we don’t go very often). I had a couple chili dogs, which were ok, and some onion rings, which were great.


Nice pic, Jack. :thumbsup:

I went out Friday night to see if I could see the Northern Lights, but I couldn’t find anywhere dark enough to see them with the naked eye. I did take this long exposure pic with my phone, but I couldn’t actually see any of that in person. (That’s Eleanor’s school in the background.)


That’s about the time I break out the noise-canceling ear buds. 😁 Every year for Christmas I buy the girls (ours and my niece) one annoying gift, because it’s what my dad would’ve done. One year it was duck calls. 🤣

We had a pretty quiet weekend, and spent most of the day today at home. I got the yard mowed for the first time this year, finally turned on the AC and got a few other things done around the house. We went for a low-key dinner at a local drive-in. It’s a cool old place, but kinda pricey for what it is (which is probably why we don’t go very often). I had a couple chili dogs, which were ok, and some onion rings, which were great.


Great shot of nature at it's finest in the night sky Barrett. Cool looking Diner, shame it's a bit exy. Here is my food contribution to start the new week, today's breakfast.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the special ladies in your life and to the Mothers who may be Guardians. Took a vacation day to take the load off my wife. Her and my mom are currently getting a massage and getting pampered. 💅 will follow. I’ve got the crazy kids today😂. Mothers amaze me as they juggle so much and never complain. I watch the kids one day and feel like Hulk Hogan just kicked my butt. Carrying the Ashwin again. Hope everyone had a great day.

Well done Paul :) Great pic too :cool: :thumbsup:
Funniest part is that he is looking for them 😂😂
😁 :thumbsup:
Now THAT'S a knife! :D ;) :thumbsup:
Nice pic, Jack. :thumbsup:

I went out Friday night to see if I could see the Northern Lights, but I couldn’t find anywhere dark enough to see them with the naked eye. I did take this long exposure pic with my phone, but I couldn’t actually see any of that in person. (That’s Eleanor’s school in the background.)


That’s about the time I break out the noise-canceling ear buds. 😁 Every year for Christmas I buy the girls (ours and my niece) one annoying gift, because it’s what my dad would’ve done. One year it was duck calls. 🤣

We had a pretty quiet weekend, and spent most of the day today at home. I got the yard mowed for the first time this year, finally turned on the AC and got a few other things done around the house. We went for a low-key dinner at a local drive-in. It’s a cool old place, but kinda pricey for what it is (which is probably why we don’t go very often). I had a couple chili dogs, which were ok, and some onion rings, which were great.


I couldn't see anything Saturday or Sunday, gutted to have missed them :( Cool pic Barrett :cool: It sounds like you've been busy buddy. Nice old diner :thumbsup:
Great shot of nature at it's finest in the night sky Barrett. Cool looking Diner, shame it's a bit exy. Here is my food contribution to start the new week, today's breakfast.

Enjoy your eggs Leon :) :thumbsup:

Good morning Guardians, I hope everyone had a great weekend. I thought I'd sleep a log last night, but woke up about 1am, and barely slept after that, so I feel rough today :( Just about to go and shave, and I hope I still have both ears afterwards! :eek: Have a great start to the week Guardians :) I definitely need some WABOOM!! :D :thumbsup:

Good morning Guardians, I hope everyone had a great weekend. I thought I'd sleep a log last night, but woke up about 1am, and barely slept after that, so I feel rough today :( Just about to go and shave, and I hope I still have both ears afterwards! :eek: Have a great start to the week Guardians :) I definitely need some WABOOM!! :D :thumbsup:

Sorry you didn't sleep good last night.Hope you have a WaBooooooooooom day Jack!
Good morning Guardians !

Hazardous air today from the Canadian wildfires. It's suppose to clear out later today.

View of downtown Minneapolis last evening on my way home from my brothers

I figured the Vulcan was an appropriate carry 😉

That is some serious air pollution there Steve!

Last week we had some smoke from the agricultural burning in Mexico but it was not nearly as hazy as that. Wow. !
I couldn't see anything Saturday or Sunday, gutted to have missed them :( Cool pic Barrett :cool: It sounds like you've been busy buddy. Nice old diner :thumbsup:

Enjoy your eggs Leon :) :thumbsup:

Good morning Guardians, I hope everyone had a great weekend. I thought I'd sleep a log last night, but woke up about 1am, and barely slept after that, so I feel rough today :( Just about to go and shave, and I hope I still have both ears afterwards! :eek: Have a great start to the week Guardians :) I definitely need some WABOOM!! :D :thumbsup:

I hope Waboom is carrying you through your day !


I thought I saw the northern lights last night, but it was actually daybreak this morning.

Rosebeast at it's best !

I call this one stubby...tip was filed down!!

Poor Stubby ! It has some sweet bone though 👍

Afternoon Guardians! Hope y'all are having a good day. Thunder storms last night ⛈️

Lovely jigging !