Gun and Busse Combos

Here's another combo, Colt Lightweight Commander and Mr. Mojo LE


  • busse mojo  colt.jpg
    busse mojo colt.jpg
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Thanks Strabs, that's a real deal Israeli FNFAL, and it shoots like a dream. It is my hog gun (not infihog, but the four legged critters)......

I puts them pigs down good, hyuck hyuck! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Yet another thing for me to hate Idahoskunk for. I have a hunger for an HK USC. Looks like a great 45 carbine.
Idaho, you ever hear of that conversion for your H&K? I saw it over at, they change the lower receiver so the rifle excepts AR mags......never did hear a final report on the job.....
no never heard of that?? i'll go look see, i do have about 12 mags for this rifle though
Originally posted by Wilco
It is my hog gun (not infihog, but the four legged critters)......

I was a little worried about this statement until I read the whole thing. ;):D

I thought you might be headed towards Idaho, Illinois or Ohio ;):D:D
Guys, a buddy of mine has done the conversion on his USC and it runs flawlessly:cool:
The SL8 kits are supposed to be jsut as reliable.

The USC shoots like a dream (but ten rounds is pitiful:rolleyes: .)
I've been seriously thinking about a USC since these new lowers became available though. ...and grease guns mags are cheap and plentiful:cool: :cool: :cool: