guys im in need of somethin for my baby girl

I'm sorry to hear about your little girl's accident. I have two little ones and I understand your pain. She's lucky to have a caring father that is looking forward to her getting well...and you're lucky to have an angel to cherish even more when she does gets better. Be strong, not for yourself, but for her. She'll be doing great in no time, I'm sure.
Prayers sent.

This part is important:
If you're in earshot, remember that she will be listening for your voice, even if the staff think she is unconscious.
Keep talking to her, telling her you love her and tell her that you know it's scary but that everyone is there to help her.
Your presence and support will help her heal.

(My son had open heart surgery at six days and his congenital heart defect will require periodic repairs)
Damn Bill, smoke and prayers sent man, and I'll keep her in my thoughts! I hope all goes well bro, I'd be going insane...
Hope everything will turn out fine and your daughter will heal quickly. All the best for you and your family!
I wanna thank each an everyone of you all for your thoughts and prayers. I need them. She just got back from her second scan. Hope an pray nothing has gotten worse.lord please! So we await the neurosurgen to here his thoughts and her condition I will keep u all updated
Prayers sent, Bill. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask. We're all here for you.

Sorry to hear about this Bill! Will be praying for your little girl and the doctors that are treating her. I can't imagine the agony of sitting around and waiting for news.
Hoping for the best for all of you. Having your child sick or hurt is the worst thing a parent can go through. Thoughts and prayers...
Still believing God. He is the great healer!
Please let me know if you need anything Bill
Sorry to hear Bill. You will be in my thoughts. Nothing is worse than when something happens to our children.