Halloween give away and the winner is @gooeytek


Gold Member
Nov 21, 2005
I haven’t done one of these yet ( long past due) so please bear with me. I’m giving away a Damascus 5” kitchen knife that is in need of re etching. . To enter post something about what you did this summer. On October 31 I’ll use a random number generator with your post number being your entry. On the first of November I’ll post the winner. Thanks
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Thanks for the opportunity!

I visited Elmer's Bottle Tree Ranch.
Thank you for your generosity sir. This summer was one of the most eventful of my life. July 4 was spent in ICU after I went on a ride with flips, rolls and about a 40' drop. Landing on RR tracks. While in ICU with 9 broke ribs a collapsed lung etc. etc. The surgeon comes in and tells my wife and I that they found Cancer (stage3) when they took a scan. So after surgery and a few weeks in the hospital I go home and after a few complications here and there I have a Port put in and started CHEMO. Man I tell you it's been a summer to remember 😁. Almost made me want to have a drink but I'm on a 10 year streak so I'll hold off. Makes you realize how much we take for granted though. Y'all go hug someone you love while you can.
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Say what?! Sweet, thank you Martin for the chance!

Hmmm... Well, for sure the highlight of my summer was going on a week long motorcycle camping trip with my pops to Mt. St. Helens. I don't get to spend much time with my dad these days and being out there in the woods camping with him and riding was just a trip that I'll remember for the rest of my life. I sure hope that we get quite a few more years of being able to do this.

Hope ya have a good friday!🤙