Handle Scale Sale

Crag the Brewer

I make Nice, boring knives
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Oct 18, 2018
I came late to the party it seems.... I hope all is well with life, I know it is Busy.
You have some Amazing designs. Hopefully you can continue to make knives again someday soon.

Until then, have you ever considered selling Just your scales? Haha. Id love to get a feel for your knives, but I'm not finding them too often on the secondary market.
I'd love to try to put YOUR scales on a machette or something to play around with until you are back? Thanks.

I have extra scales if you want some. Shoot me a message or email at huntsmanknifeco AT gmail DOTT com
I came late to the party it seems.... I hope all is well with life, I know it is Busy.
You have some Amazing designs. Hopefully you can continue to make knives again someday soon.

Until then, have you ever considered selling Just your scales? Haha. Id love to get a feel for your knives, but I'm not finding them too often on the secondary market.
I'd love to try to put YOUR scales on a machette or something to play around with until you are back? Thanks.