Recommendation? Handle screws - Spyderco Tenacious

Aug 24, 2016
Where could I find these screws offline? Would any hardware stores keep these types of screws? I do not buy online much and I feel I could find them cheaper in store anyway. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I asked Spyderco if I could buy some screws on THREE occasions. Twice for a pivot screw and once for body screws. EVERY TIME THEY SENT THEM FOR FREE! I cannot do that again, they are so kind they'll most likely send them for free and I feel I should be paying for these screws as I stripped them myself and they go out of their way to send them to me. :/

My torx driver was stripping the screws like nobodys business. It was definitely the driver because once I bought myself a new one, I stopped stripping screws on my newer knives. These "star shaped" screws are CIRCLES now lol