Happy 7th birthday to the CPK sub-forum :)


Platinum Member
Mar 20, 2016
Fellow CPK'ers and esteemed CPK + Lorien:

It was on an auspicious day, June 17th 2016 when this sub unbeknownst to Jo was born :D

Throughout these 4 years, those of us who have been around since Day 1 have seen many tribulations with very little trials (because Nathan is never a whiner). We have seen CPK grow into a powerhouse and one of the most respected businesses on the Blade Forums. Although some of the older participants are not with us (figure of speech, not meant as literal facts) and a few take parts less in the daily banter, with the addition of the new folks this sub still remains quite engaging and for the most parts very informative.

Enjoy and hope to see you all around these parts, happy and healthy on the 5th anniversary of CPK's and for many more of those beyond that one :)

Congrats to Nathan, NinJo, and the entire CPK Crew:thumbsup: