Happy Memorial Day

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Happy Memorial Day to you all. I know that there are some active military personnel and also lots of veterans on this site plus those whose sons, daughters, friends and family members made the ultimate sacrifice for this Country. May the fallen be always remembered in the utmost regard and the highest gratitude and to those who served and lived to tell, may your Country be always proud of you too :thumbsup:
Happy Memorial Day to you all. I know that there are some active military personnel and also lots of veterans on this site plus those whose sons, daughters, friends and family members made the ultimate sacrifice for this Country. May the fallen be always remembered in the utmost regard and the highest gratitude and to those who served and lived to tell, may your Country be always proud of you too :thumbsup:

:thumbsup: Right on Mat! Couldn't have said it better myself.
I hope everyone here and elsewhere kept it safe, sound and fun this weekend :)
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