Has anyone mentioned the "Flee from the Maoists moving sale"...

Sep 7, 2001
I was just wondering if anyone has mentioned the 20% off sale on the other sections of the forums. I'm too lazy to check the main board. I'm not much of a salesman either.
We keep Uncle Bill too busy. I imagine he has to soak his hands after a shift at the keyboard. He is on top of everything.
Yeah, on top of things like a man with a wooden leg in a log rolling contest.
I ordered two khukuris and got a good deal from Pala's sale but somehow I dont feel good about that. I guess its the idea that I could be profiting from the misfortunes in Nepal. The MO is on its way to Reno NV this morning.

May those Maoist troublemakers fall on their khukuris :mad:

Andrew Limsk

I agree, it's like someone selling you pieces of their burning house to use for firewood. I truely hope that the situation can be resolved with a minimium of pain for all involved. My prayers go out for all in this terrible situation.
I ordered two khukuris and got a good deal from Pala's sale but somehow I dont feel good about that.

Precisely. Of course, on the other hand, not buying because one's sensibilities are stirred isn't exactly helpful.

May those Maoist troublemakers fall on their khukuris

Speedily and in our day.