Has Yvsa done it again or is it just me and my new DSL?

Last year, I built my dad a new computer. Which means he has an old Pentium 100 lying around that he might be willing to let go of dirt cheap. My mom's always been kinda upset that they now have a Pentium 100 sitting around not hooked up to anything, a Pentium 233mmx that she uses, a Dual Celeron 366 that my dad uses all in the same room. Plus when I come home from school that means I'll be bringing my PII 450 with me. Oh yeah, and my old Commodore 64 from the very early nineteen eighties in my closet, and a stripped down 386 40megahertz.

Can anyone guess what another of my expensive hobbies might be???

If you are interested, I'll see what I can do. Heck, I might even be able to put together something for you at cost and mail it down to you. You can now get an 850 megahertz duron processor for under $80 off the internet. Of course that's just one component of the computer.
