Head up, West Coast! There may be incoming.

Originally posted by ichor
The North Koreans aren't insane. Anyone care to come up with any "reason" logical, or otherwise, why N. Korea would want to nuke us or Japan, or anyone else for that matter? They are well aware that we would make their miserable little excuse for a country glow in the dark within 24-48 hours. This entire thread makes me wonder if it isn't some of us who are insane. Jeez, get a grip ;-).

i see sanctions as the only viable option to be used against korea,
the koreans have all ready stated they would take this as an act of war, the same for tactical strike to take out there nukes.
if we the allies put into action sanctions, this will i think trigger war, as the nth koreans are allready starveing in there hundreds of thousands, they have nothing to lose and everything to gain if they win. if they lose the allies will be obliged to help restore there infrastructure ect.
sanctions will as i say result in a desperate nth korea, a starving enemy is a most unpredictable opponent. i think they will storm across the border in a blitzkrieg, all or nothing,if backed into a corner.:( :confused:
The N Koreans who are starving and have nothing to lose have zero say in what the government of N Korea choses to do. Those in the government who do have a say have lots to lose--besides their positions of power, they are living pretty high on the hog, with plenty of western luxury items. In a war they risk losing what they've got.

They will continue to spend everything on what protects them from the populace which has nothing to lose, and try to get other countries to provide some aid to keep the starving masses from the very edge. If anyone tries to storm across the border, it will be unarmed starving people, not the well-fed army.
yes bill the guys in charege are definitly the ones to worry about.
they will hunker down in there nuclear bomb shelters safe as houses, and send there fellow countrymen to do there dirty work.
and as for the well fed army not storming across the border ???
dont kid yourself firkin they will be across that border like locusts destroying all before them.if ordered to they are like all armys ready and willing to do there duty. like bill says its the guys at the top who are the ones to worry about, hideing in there bunkers with nothing to fear.:(
He aint' gonna be sending the army across the border as long as he can keep on doing what has worked for him (not N Korea) so far. Why give up what he's now got to "hunker down in there nuclear bomb shelters safe as houses"? He's a nutjob, but a smart nutjob that likes the good life and Western goods.

If he thinks that he will lose all that, the picture changes, so it's dumb to back him into a corner unless we're fully prepared to deal with him and minimize the damage in doing so. I don't think that we are so prepared (politically) and I also think that he knows that, and will keep on doing what has worked for him so far.
i agree with you firkin the key thing here is not to back them into a corner.
telling him his regime is the emire of evil and that they nth korea are next to be dealt with is i think a bit dodgy.
i hope the usa and the allies tread very carefully here. the nth korean situation is a different kettle of fish than iraq.
for starters they openly state they have or intend to have very soon nuclear weapons, apparently at this time they are thought to only have one or two at the most. but this makes it a very dagerous situation, because if a conventional ground war erupts and the nth koreans begin to lose they in a last despaerate throw may use those nukes.then god help the onnocents then. lets all hope and pray this can be dealt with peacably.
but have no douubts it must be dealt with or we will soon be faced with other small nations starting to arm up with nukes.:rolleyes: :)
i sometimes wonder how different thing would be handeled if nations leaders would be required to settle dispuits personnaly in an arena.
ie arm them with khuks and before a world audience they the poloticians would be reqired to pesonaly fight it out to the death, before nations could commit there troops to warfare ???.
i think it would stop an awfull lot of conflicts as i think it is very easy to send others into harms way. but if you had to be first i do think that all peacfull means would be tried again and again, first.
as i said wishfull thinking :) :rolleyes:
Y'know, I never worried about death or war until I had children. Now, it can be a scary world.

N.Korea has a history of, among other things, saber rattling before negotiations. Granted, I have an older relative in the family that spent 7 years in Korea as UDT/SEAL, and I am sure he would correct me in a heartbeat.

Here is what gets me: We (USA) are the largest provider of relief to N.Korea, we send more food than anyone in the world to them. I heard on NPR news that much of this food was being diverted to their military. we should at least put some ex-lax in those brownies.

I wonder if Bush & Co. has them on the 2nd major problem list, and will tackle them after Iraq. Fighting two wars at once is not a good choice.

Sanctions may lead to war, which may be inevitable. It would be good if the sanctions had international support, making North Korea look very foolish. If you notice, they keep wanting to draw us into their fight unsupported by allies.

It would be easy to remove them from the planet, I am sure that's an option given the level of threat. I hope it doesn't come to that for the sake of their children & innocents.

Bring back assasinations. The penicillen of world politics.

Over the past 50 years I have heard:

"The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming!"

"The Chinese are coming, the Chinese are coming!"

"The Iranians are coming, the Iranians are coming!"

"The Iraquis are coming, the Iraquis are coming!"

"The Koreans are coming, the Koreans are coming!"

I've never seen any of them, except when I fill up my gas tank at the AM/PM. And they always give me the correct change.
the korean theatre of war.
the nth koreans,and the chinese both came, and the war was fought to a bloody standstill.
lets all hope history dont repeat itself.:( :)

gee i reread what i wrote previous after being told maybee it could be seen as an insult so thought i had better reword it. sorry no offense meant.:) its so easy to read things posted in so many different ways depending on whos doing the reading.:)